Councillor Conduct & Training
1 Members shall adhere to the new standard Code of Conduct based on the East Cambs District Council model adopted by the Council on 16th August ( minute 6/15/13 )
2 The Council shall adopt the new Complaints Procedure for any breach of the Code of Conduct ( copy attached )
3 Councillors must declare any Personal, Prejudicial and Pecuniary Interests prior to the commencement of any Council meeting.
4 Members can speak ,make representations and answer questions on Personal Interest matters ,and may remain in the meeting and vote.
5 In the case of Prejudicial Interests members may exercise a speaking right but must not participate in any discussion or vote or remain in the meeting unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Proper Officer.
6 Where there is a Disposable Pecuniary Interest a member must not participate in any debate or vote and must leave the meeting room while the Council considers the issue unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Proper Officer .
7 Dispensations may be granted by the Proper Officer ( Clerk to the Council )in accordance with Appendix B of the Code of Conduct( copy attached ).
Adopted by the Council 20th September 2012
1 Members shall adhere to the new standard Code of Conduct based on the East Cambs District Council model adopted by the Council on 16th August ( minute 6/15/13 )
2 The Council shall adopt the new Complaints Procedure for any breach of the Code of Conduct ( copy attached )
3 Councillors must declare any Personal, Prejudicial and Pecuniary Interests prior to the commencement of any Council meeting.
4 Members can speak ,make representations and answer questions on Personal Interest matters ,and may remain in the meeting and vote.
5 In the case of Prejudicial Interests members may exercise a speaking right but must not participate in any discussion or vote or remain in the meeting unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Proper Officer.
6 Where there is a Disposable Pecuniary Interest a member must not participate in any debate or vote and must leave the meeting room while the Council considers the issue unless a dispensation has been obtained from the Proper Officer .
7 Dispensations may be granted by the Proper Officer ( Clerk to the Council )in accordance with Appendix B of the Code of Conduct( copy attached ).
Adopted by the Council 20th September 2012
Council Complaints Procedure
‘Complaints Procedure governing any breach of the Code of Conduct which takes effect
From 20TH September 2012.
Note that complaints pertaining to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests shall be referred to the Police. The complainant shall be notified of this action and the Clerk shall also notify the Monitoring Officer of the complaint and the referral.
General complaints regarding potential breach of the Code of Conduct:
1. Any and all complaints regarding the conduct of a Councillor or Co-opted Member of a Committee or Sub-Committee, should be made in writing to the Parish Clerk :
Tel 01638 507675. Email “ [email protected]”.
2. Upon receipt of a written complaint the Clerk will advise the complainant that the Councillor(s) against whom the complaint(s) is made will be given 5 working days to offer a response and that response will be copied to the complainant within 24 hours of such receipt.
3. The complainant will be given 48 hours after this time, to consider the response and confirm to the Clerk whether the complainant is satisfied; or whether an additional letter of apology from the councillor(s) would resolve the matter; or whether further action is required.
4. If the complainant remains dissatisfied then the Clerk shall inform the Parish Chairman (or Vice-Chair if the Chairman is the subject of complaint) of the complaint and the Chairman/ or Vice Chairman shall instruct the Clerk to convene a meeting of the Complaints Committee within 10 working days.
5. The Complaints Committee shall comprise of a Chairman (not necessarily the Chairman of the Council but one appointed to the role by the Council); two other Town/ or Parish Councillors and two independent people with an understanding of the Code (such persons might be Town or Parish Councillors from neighbouring areas) who shall receive £50 (or appropriate sum/expenses to be agreed by Parish) each for their time/expenses.
6. The Complaints Committee shall deliberate impartially and decide whether or not there is a case to answer. If “no case to answer” the complainant shall be so advised by the Clerk. If “a case to answer” then the Complaints Committee shall decide upon one or other of the following actions:
A letter of apology or a letter of apology plus additional training
7. The outcome will be advised by the Clerk to both the complainant and to the Councillor(s) concerned who is/are deemed to have accepted it and expected to abide by the action(s), since this complaints procedure has been approved by the Parish Council. The complainant will still have the right to make a complaint to the District Council, but should note that any action by the Parish Council will be taken into account by the District Council in its decision on whether to take any further action on the complaint.
From 20TH September 2012.
Note that complaints pertaining to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests shall be referred to the Police. The complainant shall be notified of this action and the Clerk shall also notify the Monitoring Officer of the complaint and the referral.
General complaints regarding potential breach of the Code of Conduct:
1. Any and all complaints regarding the conduct of a Councillor or Co-opted Member of a Committee or Sub-Committee, should be made in writing to the Parish Clerk :
Tel 01638 507675. Email “ [email protected]”.
2. Upon receipt of a written complaint the Clerk will advise the complainant that the Councillor(s) against whom the complaint(s) is made will be given 5 working days to offer a response and that response will be copied to the complainant within 24 hours of such receipt.
3. The complainant will be given 48 hours after this time, to consider the response and confirm to the Clerk whether the complainant is satisfied; or whether an additional letter of apology from the councillor(s) would resolve the matter; or whether further action is required.
4. If the complainant remains dissatisfied then the Clerk shall inform the Parish Chairman (or Vice-Chair if the Chairman is the subject of complaint) of the complaint and the Chairman/ or Vice Chairman shall instruct the Clerk to convene a meeting of the Complaints Committee within 10 working days.
5. The Complaints Committee shall comprise of a Chairman (not necessarily the Chairman of the Council but one appointed to the role by the Council); two other Town/ or Parish Councillors and two independent people with an understanding of the Code (such persons might be Town or Parish Councillors from neighbouring areas) who shall receive £50 (or appropriate sum/expenses to be agreed by Parish) each for their time/expenses.
6. The Complaints Committee shall deliberate impartially and decide whether or not there is a case to answer. If “no case to answer” the complainant shall be so advised by the Clerk. If “a case to answer” then the Complaints Committee shall decide upon one or other of the following actions:
A letter of apology or a letter of apology plus additional training
7. The outcome will be advised by the Clerk to both the complainant and to the Councillor(s) concerned who is/are deemed to have accepted it and expected to abide by the action(s), since this complaints procedure has been approved by the Parish Council. The complainant will still have the right to make a complaint to the District Council, but should note that any action by the Parish Council will be taken into account by the District Council in its decision on whether to take any further action on the complaint.
Disciplinary & Grievance procedures
The Parish Council has resolved to adopt East Cambridgeshire District Council's code of Conduct 2013 which contains provisions for dealing with Councillors and council staff's behaviour, conduct and financial propriety.
In the first instance any Councillor disciplinary or grievance matter will be dealt with internally by the Chairman and an especially formed committee of councillors.
In sufficiently serious cases, the matter will be referred to the appropriate officer of East Cambs District council e.g. the Monitoring Officer.
In the first instance any Councillor disciplinary or grievance matter will be dealt with internally by the Chairman and an especially formed committee of councillors.
In sufficiently serious cases, the matter will be referred to the appropriate officer of East Cambs District council e.g. the Monitoring Officer.
Councillor Training Statement of Intent
Main Aims
Woodditton Parish Council recognises the value of professional training and will support members and staff to attain the knowledge and experience to provide a high standard of service to residents of the Parish.
Equal opportunities.
All members and staff are entitled to :
Equal opportunities in all development aspects.
An induction programme on their roles in the objectives and direction of the Council.
Training on professional and legal aspects of Council membership.
Members and Staff
The Chairman and Council are committed to staff and member development.
New Councillors will be given a “New Councillors” Pack “
New Councillors will be encouraged to take the 3 stage “Councillor Professional Development” training provided by CPALC.
Specialist training will be according to need and annual reviews.
Staff will be given time for professional studies and courses /
Special needs on legal and statutory aspects of Council work will be identified and addressed annually.
An annual forecast of the costs of courses and travel expenses will form part of the Precept Bid.
The Council will liaise with neighbouring Parishes to arrange join training courses when needed at local venues.
The Council will maintain an up to date library of books on regulations and best practice including : Local Council Admin,
Councillors Guide, Good Practice, Local Council Updates &Clerk and Council Direct.
Main Providers
Cambs & Peterborough Association of Local Councils
Society of Local Council Clerks
National Association of Local Councils.
Cambs County Training Partnership .
East Cambs District Council
Current Information
In addition to the above the Council receives new information from Cambs ACRE, Cambs Playing Fields Assoc, COPE and regular updates from East Cambs DC and Cambs CC ,plus newslettews from the Chairman of East Cambs DC.
New information is circulated by the Clerk on Email, telephone and copies of letters and documents at meetings.
Websites of SLCC, CPALC & NALC will be used for advice ,instruction and information.
Members and Staff should acquire more knowledge and confidence to carry out their roles effectively.An annual training feed back and review will take place to identify any gaps and needs in the next year.
Woodditton Parish Council recognises the value of professional training and will support members and staff to attain the knowledge and experience to provide a high standard of service to residents of the Parish.
Equal opportunities.
All members and staff are entitled to :
Equal opportunities in all development aspects.
An induction programme on their roles in the objectives and direction of the Council.
Training on professional and legal aspects of Council membership.
Members and Staff
The Chairman and Council are committed to staff and member development.
New Councillors will be given a “New Councillors” Pack “
New Councillors will be encouraged to take the 3 stage “Councillor Professional Development” training provided by CPALC.
Specialist training will be according to need and annual reviews.
Staff will be given time for professional studies and courses /
Special needs on legal and statutory aspects of Council work will be identified and addressed annually.
An annual forecast of the costs of courses and travel expenses will form part of the Precept Bid.
The Council will liaise with neighbouring Parishes to arrange join training courses when needed at local venues.
The Council will maintain an up to date library of books on regulations and best practice including : Local Council Admin,
Councillors Guide, Good Practice, Local Council Updates &Clerk and Council Direct.
Main Providers
Cambs & Peterborough Association of Local Councils
Society of Local Council Clerks
National Association of Local Councils.
Cambs County Training Partnership .
East Cambs District Council
Current Information
In addition to the above the Council receives new information from Cambs ACRE, Cambs Playing Fields Assoc, COPE and regular updates from East Cambs DC and Cambs CC ,plus newslettews from the Chairman of East Cambs DC.
New information is circulated by the Clerk on Email, telephone and copies of letters and documents at meetings.
Websites of SLCC, CPALC & NALC will be used for advice ,instruction and information.
Members and Staff should acquire more knowledge and confidence to carry out their roles effectively.An annual training feed back and review will take place to identify any gaps and needs in the next year.